| Giving the support site a refresh |
Keeping WordPress.com's documentation up to date and accessible is one part of what the Happiness Team works on. We've long had lots of documentation, but we realized that the design and flow of the support site spoke more to us Happiness Engineers. How backward is that?
That all changes today. :) Before, you saw a long page filled with lists. Now you see eight content groupings on the homepage.
We looked at a lot of data about where people run into problems with WordPress.com. Using this we redesigned the site by weeding back overgrown lists, eliminating overly complicated jargon, and putting the answers to the questions you've asked most front and center.
If those new sections don't have the answers you seek, we prominently placed a very effective search option at the top right that is perfect for pinpointing an answer to an obscure issue.
There's more coming too so keep an eye out. We'll keep working hard to make it even easier to find the information you need.
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